Why do so many women have thyroid disease?

In my 10 years in medical practice, 1 in 5 of the women I treated had thyroid dysfunction of some kind.  Each woman had a slightly different case, different history, and varied blood results.  However, what did every single one of them have in common?  Their inner self talk was merciless.  Every. Single. Woman. Especially the empathic ones. They each exhibited the spiritual cause of thyroid disease.

After several years of observing this pattern, it became more and more clear. 

These women were dealing with the mother-lover paradox.

You may have heard that thoughts become things and that everything is energy.  Your thyroid gland is a bit delicate and therefore prone to imbalance.  Its physical needs include a combination of minerals like iodine, zinc, copper, and selenium.   Your thyroid can be sensitive to toxins, stress, and other hormones.  But, there is another, more personal side to your thyroid story.

If you have something off about your thyroid, whether that be hypo (low) thyroid, hyper (high) thyroid, Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease  (autoimmune thyroid disease), there is something important that you need to know.

Spiritual Cause of thyroid disease

First, you are not just your body.  The function of your thyroid is a symptom of a deeper problem.  Your thyroid (and indeed your entire physical being) is not the enemy.  Start by asking yourself this question: Have you been cursing or mentally attacking your body for not working the way that you think that it should?

The reason that this question is so important is that Thyroid disease appears to be a “Shoulds Disease”.  This the nickname I applied to thyroid disease after treating hundreds of patients for a thyroid problem, because that is what doctors do, when my higher self knew that the real problem was a case of the “shoulds”. 

Shoulds disease means exactly this: when your mind is constantly full of what you should do, what you should want to do, what you should feel, what you should not feel…you get the idea…you will develop a physical problem.

Why do you do that?  Because you subconsciously think that you are trying to be good and are hiding your real desires for your life. This is just one of the symptoms of Type 1 of the #motherloverparadox. All of those shoulds in your head are a form of trying to get you to conform, to perform higher, to give more, to need less, to fit in, to please others, to not be you. 

Translation: your true self has taken a back seat to the opinions of the rest of the world and that feels like a burden.  When this is your mental pattern, it indicates that you have a subconscious belief that you are not enough, that your thoughts and opinions are somehow wrong, and that letting others have all the power is the safe way to go.  This creates massive amounts of stress hormones to be released into the body.

On a biochemical level, this will result in increased cortisol levels.  Cortisol is your major stress hormone, which cause weight gain, sugar cravings, anxiety, decreased thyroid function, and low progesterone.  In its more extreme manifestation, your body may become so inflamed that you also produce antibodies to your thyroid, which can be measured, resulting in a diagnosis of Hashimotos or Graves’.  In fact, on a spiritual level, both Hashimoto’s and Graves’ are merely a tribute to your prowess in self-attack.  You are internally attacking yourself on a regular basis. 

On a quantum level, your system has become so riddled with shame that your internal attack is now measurable on the physical level.  You see, here is the thing: nothing happens in the body without it first happening in the mind.  All of health is really mental health.  Once is has gone from just the mind to include the body, the pattern is strong. 

On a financial level, you have become unplugged from your spiritual birthright to be healthy, wealthy, and happy without having to work harder, so money will go out as fast as it comes in.

This unplugging leads to you to working harder and harder until you begin to burn out.  When, in Spiritual Truth, burnout is unnecessary as Divine Source is really the source of all prosperity, including deep connection, easy health, and of course, money.

For added woo, your thyroid is located right at the level of your throat chakra.  Your throat chakra represents your communication patterns.  It can also be described as the seat of the energy of judgement vs acceptance.  Take a moment and ask yourself: how much are you REALLY judging yourself or others?  If you have a hard time speaking nicely to yourself and about yourself, even in jest, then this pattern is likely an issue for you. 

Where did you learn the pattern?  From your family, your community, your society at large.  But guess what, you can’t blame it on anyone.  That would only create more shame and blame and not solve anything.  The harsh truth is that it is up to you to unlearn it. 

So, if you were told that you have a faulty thyroid because it runs in your family, I invite you to consider this: did you inherit the functional pattern of a gland in your neck or did you inherit the ways of thinking that eventually lead to the dysfunction of your body?  I’d venture that it is the later. 

How do I know?  Because as a doctor and a shaman, I listened deeply to woman after woman who came in with a diagnosis of thyroid disorder and they all said about the same thing.  They all talk about themselves like they will never be enough, do enough, or have enough.  They all told stories of shame, guilt, blame, and regret.  They denied their feelings, their dreams, and their true nature.  And the sickest ones were the ones that spoke in terms of “My bad thyroid” or “My Hashimoto’s”. 

The ones who recovered were the ones who were willing to look beyond their physical bodies, the blood tests, the online support groups, the family history, and finding the perfect prescription.  Instead, these were the women who were willing to work on their internal dialogue.  They activated their power to see how their human bodies were only responding the signals they provided for it.  Then, they took the steps to determine those signals and to change them for the better.

You can absolutely heal from this.  But, you have to stop thinking just in terms of the physical world.  You have to unearth the areas of your life that are holding onto shame, blame, and guilt, and transform those destructive energies.  You need to practice radical honesty and unconditional love with yourself. You must break the pattern of self-attack and reproach, from a place of knowing that you are meant to live a life with a loving voice in your head.  Otherwise, you will continue to have the same pattern show up, and often it will progress. 

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